(818) 592-0815,
Archangel Adriel
Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel 2
Archangel Gabriel - Saint Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel, Saint Gabriel
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael - small
Archangel Michael 1
Archangel Michael 2
Archangel Michael 3
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael 2
Archangel Uriel with flaming sword
Archangel Uriel with Flaming Sword 1
Archangel Uriel with Rifle 2
Guardian Archangel Raphael with baby Jesus
Senor de los Milagros, Lord of Miracles
The Madonna of the Harpies (reproduction)
The Madonna of the Harpies (reproduction) - 2
Virgen Maria Con Su Hijo, Virgin Mary and her child